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Hi everybody,
On 19th of September 2023, the Canadian PM Justin Trudeau out a statement in the house of Commons which created ripples in the Indian diplomatic world. India was accused of assassination of a Canadian citizen named Hardeep Singh Nijjar and in return, Trudeau said an Indian diplomat will be expelled from Canadian soil. And Canada took this so far ahead that Canada even reached out US, UK and Australia to put diplomatic pressure on India.
This is what started a heated diplomatic battle between canada and India!! And while most people think this to be yet another political conflict, I must tell you that this could have wide scale economic impact on the two countries. While India is the 9th largest trading partner of Canada, Canada is the 7th largest foreign direct investor in India and Canadian investment funds have invested so heavily in India that they own 4.3 per cent stake in the Kotak, 2% stake in Paytm, Zomato and Nykaa each, 6% in Delhivery. They have also invested 800 million dollars in Flipkart group, and 16.62 billion INR in Phoenix malls. On top of that, millions students and executives study and work in Canada. This could affect their lives and the economy of Canada because foreign education from India alone contributed 4.9 Billion dollar to the canadian economy in 2021!!
So yes, it is a political rift but it could have wide scale economic consequences!!
So in this episode today,
Let us understand,
– What is the Khalistani movement all about?
– Why is Canada supporting the Khalistanis?
– How will it affect India and most importantly, in the long run,
– How will this hamper the economic and trade relations between India and Canada?
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✅Study Materials:
India – Canada relations : https://www.iipa.org.in/cms/public/uploads/306471676525433.pdf
Canada’s Investment in India amid row : https://www.angelone.in/blog/canada-fpi-1-77-lakh-crore-india-investment-reduce-amid-tension
Pakistan and Khalistan : https://macdonaldlaurier.ca/mli-files/pdf/20200820_Khalistan_Air_India_Milewski_PAPER_FWeb.pdf
Pakistan’s support of Khalistan movement (in US) : https://s3.amazonaws.com/media.hudson.org/Pande_Pakistan’s+Destabilization+Playbook+-+Khalistan+Separatist+Activism+Within+the+US.pdf
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